Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Decaying of Ideology in Modern China

Although Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Though (MLM) still serves as the ideology which the People’s Republic of China (PRC) adhere to, these socialist doctrines no longer serve inspirational purposes to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and are viewed as an â€Å"ideological vacuum. † China’s attempt to establish a rapid growing economy to support the authority of the Communist regime has contradicted the Communist ideology and has thus created a reverse effect. It is certain that Chinese citizens have grown increasingly apolitical in the current era due to the exposure to market economy and Western influences. This new environment prompts the public to adopt individualism and neglect Communist ideologies such as collectivism. As Deng Xiao Ping and many other scholars blamed the ineffective political education as the major cause of this phenomenon, the assertion remains debatable. CCP now faces a challenge where it has to redefine its political ideology while fitting the socialist regime in the context of â€Å"socialist commodity economy. † The CCP’s attempt to reconcile its capitalist practices with socialist ideal results a dilemma. As uncertainties lay in the future of the Chinese political environment, this paper evaluates the failure of The Communist Party’s normative authority, and distinguishes possible alternatives and solutions. One of the main reasons for the failure of the propaganda scheme is that the value which the Party tries to promote grossly contrasted with the actual social condition. While the Party urges the public to embrace the idea of â€Å"collectivism,† and â€Å"serving the people,† it fails to justify how socialist morality is compatible with market competition. Jurgen Habermans has labeled this dilemma as ‘rationality crisis,’ caused by the disjunction between current practices and the original ideological tenets upon which the regime was founded. † Although CCP recognizes the need for combating moral disorder and launched the â€Å"socialist spiritual civilization† (SSC) campaign in 1997, the accomplishment is diminutive. It is obvious that political education in China is heavily emphasized, where political elements are incorporated in every curriculum, from kindergarten to university. However, the program is ineffective since these principles are not applicable in the social environment. As a result, students see no purpose in these materials except to know them well so they could obtain a decent academic record and remain competitive in the job market. Furthermore, â€Å"even party functionaries no longer take ideological work seriously, and few are interested in this specialty as a career. † The character of legitimation crisis has also surfaced besides the presence of rationality crisis. Legitimation crisis is â€Å"a discrepancy between the need for motives declared by the state and the motivation supplied by socio-cultural system. † As â€Å"harmonious society† (hexie shehui) and scientific development† continues to serve as current watchwords for CCP, they appears to be oxymoronic. The concept of harmonious society is drawn upon Confucius values, whereas the concept of scientific development aroused mainly from Deng Xiao Ping Theory, which is an emphasis on economic stability. The rationality and legitimation crisis which CCP now encounters â€Å"can be explained in terms of the antinomy between rationality and reasonableness, or between scientism and moralism. This antinomy seems to be the most visible obstacle and the most controversial policy of Chinese education. † Another critical argument for CCP’s decaying normative authority is the corruption of government officials and therefore creating a devastating effect on the Party’s goal on rebuilding moral order. Since the 16th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, more than 100 minster- and provincial-level officials were sentenced for corruption, an unprecedented number, according to statistics released by the Supreme Procuratorate. In 2005, 47,206 officials were disciplined-punished by Chinese supervision agencies. † Consequently, the uncontrollable widespread of corruption among government officials brings public to think that education system is hypocritical and therefore, unpersuasive. In a survey conducted in the state enterprises of Shenyang, one of China’s largest industrial cities, 71% of respondents agreed that moral education should be directed primarily at the high- and middle- ranking cadres rather than at ordinary people. † In order to overhaul the Communist Ideology, the Party implemented inspirational projects incorporating patriotic education and Confucianism. China’s patriotic education was design for two purposes. One is to combat Western influences and second is to achieve â€Å"unified thinking† (tongyi sixiang). To a certain extent, the program was successful, particularly in â€Å"unified thinking. † Although the Party is unable to eliminate all Western influences and the exchange of information, the general public has increasingly learnt to praises and adapt to traditional Chinese culture. The party has utilized Confucianism value by describing â€Å"Confucianism as a positive force that could consolidate the Chinese nation and foster socialist spiritual civilization. † Accordingly, most of the Chinese families today follow Confucian’s teachings and the value of Confucianism is already deeply rooted in the society. Through the post-1989 Patriotic Education, the regimen has provided China’s new generations with nationalists. In China’s education system, children are taught â€Å"that China’s misery was imposed by Western countries,† and acknowledged themselves as nationalists and â€Å"bound to become fenqing. † Furthermore, although young generations are no longer interested in the concept of ideology, CCP has little problems finding new members as we can see that during â€Å"the last five years, three-quarters of those who flocked to join were under thirty-five. This is not only a result of patriotism but also joining the Party could provide opportunities and benefits. On the other hand, the increasing population of nationalist does not imply legitimating the government’s policy and authorities. â€Å"By placing the party and the center of the official discourse the state-centered view of nationalism restricts the extent to which the Party-state can mobilize nationalist symbolism in support of its leadership and make the Party vulnerable to criticism from more popular conceptions of nationalism. June 4th crackdown and the emergence of Chinese liberalism are the result of nationalism. Besides from implementing propaganda program to strengthen Communist Ideology, new ideas have also formed in the Chinese political platform. Ideas such as â€Å"new left,† â€Å"new conservative†or evenâ€Å"liberalism† are introduced. The New Leftism is in opposition to capitalism and Chinese economic reforms and in favor of the restoration of the Maoist-style socialism. â€Å"New leftists† appeal to social injustice like corruption and the interest of low class people became particular popular in 2009. Furthermore, it addresses the problem of the disparity between rich and poor. The New leftists â€Å"guarantee the welfare of the country’s 800 million peasants left behind the recent change. † Alternatively, if China is to take on the advice of the New Leftist, it would create an enormous wave of withdraws in the form of foreign investments due to the economic uncertainty, which would inevitably destroy China’s new emerging market. And the collapse of the Chinese economy would make it impossible for the Party to provide welfare for the poor. In that sense, the New Left ideas do not generate common interest between the public and the Party’s ideology. On the contrary, the â€Å"New Conservatives†, or Neo-Conservatives, â€Å"holds that modernization is a gradual process (incrementalism), and that, during this process, traditional values, the existing order and an authoritarian government are necessary to maintain social stability and ensure a successful social transformation. † It also distinguishes itself from traditional conservatism by accentuating modern transformation and accelerates economic development. The Neo-Conservatives tries to develop â€Å"a model characterized by economic growth under an authoritarian political order. † This hybrid Ideology that retained Marxism-Leninism ideals and Deng’s goal to achieve modernization â€Å"enabled Jiang to legitimize the Party and ensure its survival. † Consequently, Jiang has balanced centralism (elements of the â€Å"Mao Era†) and capitalistic-orientated economic policies (which are elements of the â€Å"Deng Era†) and achieve new census. Besides from the ideas that were discussed above, â€Å"liberalism† is another concept which has derived from the June 4th incident of 1989. The collapse of Communism in the former Soviet Union and eastern Europe provided an opportunity for Chinese liberals to deeply reflect on the illusion of ‘socialist democracy. ’† The Chinese liberals advocate the abandon of one Party rule and call for multi-party elections to increase competition and limiting the power of the government. â€Å"Despite hard suppression of democracy and liberal ideas by the Chinese party-state, and partly due to this suppression, liberalism and the quest for human rights have been on the rise and achieved a level of sophistication in China since the late 1990s. Even though the idea of liberalism is not irrelevant to China’s political future, the system would be impossible to impose under a peaceful transition. Ultimately, China would have to construct a new political stance that ensures government power but also provide economic prosperity. China would have to undergo gradual transition from Communism to Authoritarian Capitalism, for instance the People’s Action Party (PAP) in Singapore. Under such political system, there is a large degree of economic freedom but tight control in terms of social freedom. Although there are negative comments on Singapore’s authoritarian capitalism, such as ones that were made by Christopher Lingle, his arguments are debatable. He claimed that â€Å"Singapore’s authoritarian rule has led to the ‘politicization of commerce,’ the distribution of economic and commercial privileges to trusted political supporters, stifling the emergence of home-grown entrepreneurs. † On the other hand, statistics has proven him wrong. Singapore is the second most economically free country according to 2011 Index of Economic Freedom. Furthermore, its government spending in terms of GDP is among the lowest in the world (14. 5%), according to information from The World Factbook. And as we can see, the Chinese government is actually taking such transition, and characters of capitalism can be found in increasingly free trade. Several universities claimed â€Å"that great powers like China and Russian, with authoritarian state capitalist regimes could pose a viable rival model. †

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Themes – of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men, a novella written by John Steinbeck, is a tragedy incorporating a hero with a tragic flaw, a climax, and a tragic resolution. The title of the novella, â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, is the first clue to Steinbeck’s specific cultural issues. The title is a line taken from a poem called, â€Å"To a Mouse†, by Robert Burns. This poem talks about man’s enslavement to forces of both elemental and human nature which cannot be controlled, destroying hopes and dreams. This stems into the theme of the loss of the American Dream. Along with alienation, the American Dream is a major theme explored throughout the course of the novel.Of Mice and Men is a story about the nature of human dreams and aspirations and the forces that work against them. Humans give meaning to their lives by creating dreams. George and Lennie's dream — to own a little farm of their own — is so central to Of Mice and Men that it appears in some form in five of the six c hapters. The telling of the story, which George has done so often, becomes a ritual between the two men: George provides the narrative, and Lennie, who has difficulty remembering even simple instructions, finishes George's sentences.To George, this dream of having their own place means independence, security, being their own boss, and, most importantly, being â€Å"somebody. † To Lennie, the dream is like the soft animals he pets: It means security, the responsibility of tending to the rabbits, and a sanctuary where he won't have to be afraid. This theme not only applies to George and Lennie, but also to Candy and Crooks. To Candy, who sees the farm as a place where he can assert a responsibility he didn't take when he let Carlson kill his dog, it offers security for old age and a home where he will fit in.For Crooks, the little farm will be a place where he can have self-respect, acceptance, and security. Having and sharing the dream, however, are not enough to bring it to l ife. Each man must make a sacrifice or battle some other force that seeks to steal the dream away. Some of these obstacles are external – the threat from Curley's wife, Curley's violence, and the societal prejudices that plague each man; others are internal – Lennie's strength and his need to touch soft things. For George, the greatest threat to the dream is Lennie himself; ironically, it is Lennie who also makes the dream worthwhile.In addition to dreams, humans crave contact with others to give life meaning. Alienation is present throughout this novel. On the most obvious level, we see this isolation when the ranch hands go into town on Saturday night to ease their loneliness with alcohol and women. Similarly, Lennie goes into Crook's room to find someone with whom to talk, and later Curley's wife comes for the same reason. Crooks says, â€Å"A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't make no difference who the guy is, long's he's with you. † Even Slim ment ions, â€Å"I seen the guys that go around on the ranches alone.That ain't no good. They don't have no fun. After a long time they get mean. † George's taking care of Lennie and the dream of the farm are attempts to break the pattern of loneliness that is part of the human condition. Similarly, Lennie's desire to pet soft things comes from his need to feel safe and secure, to touch something that gives him that feeling of not being alone in the world. For Lennie, the dream of the farm parallels that security. George and Lennie, however, similarly to the American Dream, are not the only characters who struggle against loneliness.Although present in all the characters to some degree, the theme of loneliness is most notably present in Candy, Crooks, and Curley's wife. They all fight against their isolation in whatever way they can. Until its death, Candy's dog stopped Candy from being alone in the world. After its death, Candy struggles against loneliness by sharing in George an d Lennie's dream. Curley's wife is also lonely; she is the only female on the ranch, and her husband has forbidden anyone to talk with her. She combats her loneliness by flirting with the people on the ranch. Crooks is isolated because of his skin colour.As the only black man on the ranch, he is not allowed into the bunkhouse with the others, and he does not associate with them. Of Mice and Men is a novella that tries to explain what it means to be human. Man is a very small part of a very large universe; in the greater scheme of things, individuals come and go and leave very little, lasting marks. Yet deep inside all people is a longing for a place in nature — the desire for the land, roots, and a place to call â€Å"home. † Steinbeck explores the themes of the America Dream and alienation to portray the uncertainty of success.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Theory-Practice Gap Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theory-Practice Gap - Research Paper Example This writing will focus on various measures proposed through which the gap between nursing theoretical frame work and practice can be decreased. Body According to a study conducted by Rolfe, the gap between the theory and practice of nursing is majorly caused because theorists of nursing arena have failed to take into account the real life practices of nurses and health care settings (Rolfe, 1993). He further stated that in order to decrease this gap the theorists need to identify and analyze different nursing situations that take place in real life and base their theories on these situations. He went further to develop a praxis in which what ever happens in practice of nursing is first identified and applied to theory and then theory is created, the created theory is learned in nursing educational settings by nursing students and then applied to real life situations when students transform into practitioners. According to Levin, the gap between nursing theory and practice can be dec reased by allowing a clinical practitioner to guide nursing students while they perform practical tasks during their educational sessions (Levin, 2010). Levin further states that the gap between theory and practice can be reduced by altering the learning and teaching system to constructivist approach while students are under the process of clinical practice educational sessions. When this approach is followed students gain new knowledge by gaining information from the past and present. When this kind of learning approach is applied to the field of nursing, nursing students gain experience by doing what they have learned or learn by doing. Sellman states that the gap between theory and practice is created not by theorists or by students, it is created by the authorities who do not allow the students to practice what they have learned through theory (Sellman, 2010). Sellman suggests that in order to decrease the gap between theory and actual practice, practitioners will have to work a ccording to the situation and have to experience that they do not need to rely on theoretical work in order to practice. This means that nursing students should not try to locate the rationale behind a particular incident taking place; instead they should focus on the cause and effect of practice. While practicing, they should not apply theory, instead they should learn through experience. Wilson in a report named Bridging the theory practice gap states that nursing students experience a gap between what they have learned and what they are practicing because they do not apply what they learn during their educational settings (Wilson, 2008). For this purpose Wilson proposed that while students are under the learning stage they should practice and they should be allowed to practice as nurses. While they will be practicing they will learn through experience and continuous communication with other nursing staff will assist them in gaining more knowledge. This means that students should be allowed to practice with senior nurses as this will help them learn more as they observe other practitioners. This will even assist the health care settings in having enough nursing staff while the demand for nurses are high. Brake in her study states that the gap between nursing practice and theory is caused because nursing students do not attend any other educational arenas other than their own educational setti

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Intro MGT Informat Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Intro MGT Informat Systems - Essay Example Despite proper planning of the initiation phase, continuous evaluation of the implementation process is vital in project implementation. During the implementation phase, communication is vital in the project implementation process (Kerzner). Communication ensures that the transfer of information within the work force is effective thus improving the implementation process. The various phase of implementation process involves the combination of different departments in the implementation process. The communication process in the project work must accommodate various technological changes such as use of latest communication technology such as the use of Email and social networks. The selection of the best possible technology for use in the project work must consider the budgetary allocation of the project. It deals with the understanding of the information management and system available and the implementation process demands. The leadership of an organization can influence the motivation of the people leading better performance in project management. Emotional intelligent is vital in the leadership success. To have a successful project leader, the understanding of the leadership styles and emotional intelligence is mandatory allowing for exclusive understanding of the organization structure. Leadership in project management must always have the mission and vision of the project to avoid management crisis such as loss of organizational focus and goals. The goals of the project are vital because they facilitate the development of organizational structure and organization. Additionally, the planning phase of the project must ensure that all factors that may influence implementation are evaluated. The creation of plans ensures that all activities are considered in the process of planning and the magnitude of activities, threats and opportunities existing during the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Article and Case Summaries Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Article and Case Summaries - Research Paper Example in other words between what the real economy is actually especially with regard to the impact of the economy on ordinary people, on the one hand, and the use of GDP as the measure, on the other. The authors talk about the way GDP distorts reality, as when it fails to account for damage to the environment as a result of economic activities. GDP sees environmental destruction as revenue, whereas in truth damage to the environment is a loss. GDP counts social havocs, such as health problems and divorce, as gain. GDP excludes non-money transactions, such as those that occur outside of the realm of the formal economy. GDP also fails to account for the long-term fiscal damage wrought by debt on the economy, seeing consumption based on credit as a plus. The alternative measure they are proposing, termed Genuine Progress Indicator or GPI, generally addresses the shortcomings of GDP as a measure of the economy for policy and other vital public purposes (Halstead and Cobb, 1996). The alternative GPI measure has for its rationale plugging what the authors perceive as the ignored aspects of the economic reality in the GDP, as well as taking into account some vital costs that GDP now does not measure, including the environmental costs of economic activities, income distribution which is tied to economic justice, and non-money contributions to the economy, such as those that are tied to housework and to taking care of matters in the home. The authors furthermore contend that there are some of the things that GDP either does not see, or sees, but sees as positive and contributing to growth, when they actually hinder growth. GPI corrects these by counterbalancing GDP growth revenue items with cost items. The hope is that GPI will be a more accurate measure of the state of the economy, and that GPI will be a better basis for crafting policies for true growth (Halstead and Cobb, 1996). The article makes an interesting case for imputing some costs, such as environmental costs,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Adapting to Health Changes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Adapting to Health Changes - Assignment Example It also includes the topics related to elder abuse. Introduction The most difficult challenge a nurse could face is caring for an elderly ill client (Alexander, 2004, p. 1005). Due to developmental changes in physical and mental state, some of the clinical manifestations of certain diseases are hard to detect. One of these diseases is the diabetic ketoacidosis. Emergencies related to endocrine diseases account for approximately 1.5% of all hospital emergency admissions in England; the majority is related to diabetes and its complications (Dunning, 2005, p. 113). Mortality rates among elderly are 20% (Jevon, 2010, p. 9). Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening diabetic condition caused by deficiency in insulin and results in severe hyperglycemia (Sinclair, 2009, p. 198). Diabetic ketoacidosis usually occurs in younger people with type 1 diabetes. Fortunately, older diabetics are less prone to DKA although a few cases exist (Roach, 2001, p. 324). Assessment Elderly people req uire individualized assessment ranging from simple screenings to in-depth evaluations. Health providers, particularly the nurses must be very knowledgeable and skillful in detecting deviation among elderly (Wold, 2004, p. 105). In the clinical scenario stated, the man is approximately in mid-sixties of age. The man is confused upon bringing him to the emergency department. He was not able to provide any information about himself or his condition so the staff called him Nic. He kept on insisting to leave the department and go home for dinner yet was unable to state his address. The hygiene was described as poor due to disheveled and unkempt condition. His appearance and odor suggested that he had not washed for some time and his breath had an acetone odor. The client frequently scratched his right upper arm and examination revealed that he had a hematoma (50 cents size) on the right side of his forehead and he repeatedly stated that he wanted to pass urine. Base on observation, the p atient has an indication of a fall due to hematoma; possible concussion due to confusion is exhibited. Nursing assessment undertaken are measuring of vital signs for blood pressure elevation and tachycardia, blood glucose level for determining hyperglycemia, neurological observations such as Glasgow coma scale to determine the client’s mental state, and mini-mental state examination (MMSE) for possible dementia (Melillo, 2011, p. 279). Plan of Care The plan of care for Nic depends upon the nursing diagnosis that has been found out and has been prioritized according to the assessment findings. The nursing diagnosis and each plan of care are elaborated below: Nursing Diagnosis #1: Risk for Injury related to unfamiliar environment and physical or mental limitations secondary to disease condition Assessment: The client is confused and unable to provide information of previous environment. He frequently scratched his right upper arm and has a fifty cents-size hematoma. Expected Ou tcome: The client will be free from further injury. Interventions and Rationales: 1. Orient the client to his environment. Orientation helps provide familiarity. 2. Instruct the client to wear slippers with nonskid soles and to avoid newly washed floors. These precautions can help prevent foot injuries and falls from slipping. 3. Teach him to keep the bed in the low position with side rails up at night. The low position makes it easier for the client to get in and out of the bed. 4. Make sure that personal belongings are within easy reach. Keeping objects at hand prevent falls from overreaching and overextending. 5. Instruct the client to request assistance whenever needed. Getting needed help with ambulation and

E-commerce and Its Importance in Business Dissertation

E-commerce and Its Importance in Business - Dissertation Example With the increase in the number of internet users, the popularity of e-commerce has been significantly increased by a greater extent. Customers and organisations are now much attracted towards performing e-commerce activities and are considering the use of internet as an important alternative over the traditional modes of business. In relation to the perception of e-commerce, the online marketing has provided a new paradigm to consumer behaviour. Online stores have offered customers with wide choice of products and convenient ways of shopping as well as payment modes (OECD, 1999). The emergence of e-commerce has relatively removed the barriers of customers and online traders to efficiently cooperate with each other irrespective of geographically distance. E-commerce enhanced the speed of business transactions and reduced the time that is consumed by the organisations while making business transactions. However, the intensified dependence on e-commerce has also raised significant conc ern over certain crucial factors like privacy along with security of customers’ vital information. ... The industries, markets and businesses are rapidly transforming themselves into technologically oriented from traditional approach due to extensive use of paper works that ultimately consumes much time while conducting any business transactions. Accordingly, the notion of e-commerce enhances the association between the customers and the suppliers and makes the buying as well as selling decisions of the customers more convenient to execute. Conversely, it can also be affirmed that e-commerce might pose serious impact almost on all the parties involved in a business transaction such as individual users, organisations, buyers and sellers (DeLone & McLean, 2004). Zhu (2004) proclaimed that the intensive use of internet imposes radical impact upon enterprise value chain system with respect to its inbound as well as outbound costs. Moreover, internet enabled initiatives undertaken by large companies will strengthen the online relationship with customers and will immensely help in dissemina ting product information, facilitating smooth product transactions, improving customer services and efficiently managing inventory electronically. Moreover, it has also been claimed that efficient use of e-commerce also intends to improve the utilisation of valuable assets by the organisations in the best possible way. Consequently, effective execution of precious assets will ultimately help the organisations to reduce their different costs, secure greater returns and enhance productivity along with profitability (Zhu, 2004). According to Pires & Aisbett (2003) e-commerce changes the behaviour as well as the attitudes of both the customers along with the suppliers within the marketplace.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Music and Mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Music and Mind - Essay Example The infographic laid out on two axes. The horizontal axis is representing the time of the chronological events that had occurred in one day and the vertical axis is portraying the content of the event in four categories. There are vertical bars placed in each time slot, which contains each contents icon in segments. Every segment is color coordinated according to the content of the event. All the icons placed in the vertical bar show a visual representation of the activity, location and nature of the event. The experience has indeed brought to light the extent to which I am exposed to music in different aspects of life. For instance, as I listened to gospel uplifting songs in the morning as I took a shower, checked my emails and took breakfast, the uplifting music inspired me to take the day on a positive note. However, I had a different experience at 11.30 am as I listened to a catchy song albeit I could not understand the lyrics. Although I was walking the dog at this time, I found interesting music can actually be a distraction as I tried to multitask between listening to music, walking the dog, and watching out for passing vehicles and people. A sad song at midday suddenly brought sad moods to me as the same song was played at my best friend’s funeral a few years back. It is important to note how brain can store good and bad memories and retain a strong association with music (Meyer, 2008). Between 12.30 and 1.00 pm, I did not experience any form of music. However, I noted that lack of music actually helped me concentrate on a magazine I was reading during this time. At 1.30 pm, I overheard music from a class as I passed by a learning institution. Although the music was not interesting, it reminded me of good old days when we would recite the alphabet using songs in kindergarten. At this point, I came to reckon that music can be used to enhance the brain to understand

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wal-Mart is the Low-Price Leader Research Paper - 1

Wal-Mart is the Low-Price Leader - Research Paper Example According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2011), the average unemployment rate across the United States remained steady for February and March 2011 at an estimated 8.8%. Thus, while working for a company like Wal-Mart may not be ideal, it may be one of the few forms of employment that many Americans are able to secure under the current economic circumstances facing the country today (Glasmeier, 2006). Unfortunately, the retailer is taking obvious advantage of the desperation of customers and employees. In remaining a major force in the retail industry, gaining power through the economic crisis on multiple levels, the actual costs behind its low prices are definitely not a part of the organization’s publicized marketing strategy (MSNBC, 2005). However, there has been a great deal of research presenting information suggesting the low prices come at very high costs, not only to the employees but by extension the customers, through poor customer service and an overall negative shopping experience (Glasmeier, 2006). Unless changes are made to the way employees are treated, and protections are allowed—even if they do not come in the form of unions—these employees will only continue to grow more and more disgruntled to the point where customers are turned off by the overall experience and even those who may not be able to afford it, will go elsewhere. These customers do not need to be made to feel bad about their shopping experience, Wal-Mart has an opportunity that they are failing to realize. At this point, they have a massive market share, which will most likely return to what it was prior to the 2008 economic collapse, in the next couple of years when the economy bounces back from its brief devastation; based on historical data (Microsoft, 2011). However, without implementing a training program that drives customer loyalty through employee satisfaction, Wal-Mart has the potential to lose their significant gain, to competitors like Target, when unemployment rates are down and the economy is booming once again (Microsoft, 2011).     

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Plea Bargaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Plea Bargaining - Essay Example According to a task force instituted to address issues in the judicial system, there was major underfunding within the judicial system, unlike other state government elements that fared much better in the recent economic crisis of 2009/2010 (Bibas, n.d.). Considering that most expenses within the judiciary are staff wages, it has been argued in the past that plea bargaining is the best thing that happened to the judicial system. Political analysts and lawmakers have dubbed plea-bargaining as "the new criminal justice system." Because plea-bargaining offers both efficiency and reduced logistical and financial resources, it is overly perceived that without plea-bargaining, an explosion of the court cases would erupt, increasing costs rapidly while at the same time disrupting the present legal system. The primary advantage for the continuance of plea bargaining is that it is vital in ensuring sustained efficiency and function of the criminal justice framework. Many people are of the opinion that if plea bargaining would be discontinued; the judicial legal framework would just cave in from the load of managing ever-increasing criminal cases with limited resources. Individuals supporting plea bargaining argue that while felony caseloads are seen to increase two-fold with every passing decade, the assets set aside to facilitate the activities associated with tackling crime and providing justice only increase by a small margin (Golde & Bonjour, 1975). They contend that plea bargaining is therefore required for the efficient allocation and distribution of judicial resources. Individuals in support additionally argue that extra increases in expenses because of executing trials for each defendant would only be another cost generating gateway, overburdening an already starving economy. Plea bargaining is additionally preferred because it offers extra flexibility in the US judicial framework. Prosecutors are offered the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Belonging in As You Like It Essay Example for Free

Belonging in As You Like It Essay The need to belong can cause us to develop comforting relationships, powerful social groups, productive workplace teams, and inspiring religious and national bonds. But it can also be responsible for hurtful and damaging behaviour when those who are unable or unwilling to adapt are forced to conform or are completely excluded. These two aspects of belonging are evident in Shakespeare’s As You Like It, and Kevin Costner’s film Dances with Wolves and W. H. Auden’s satiric poem ‘The Unknown Citizen’. Shakespeare makes us aware of the contrasting qualities of the natural harmonious forest (where everyone seems contented and loving) and the corrupt, pompous court, controlled by the usurper Duke Frederick with his use of symbolic juxtaposition and allusion to. His fury over his daughter’s close relationship with Rosalind (the daughter of the displaced Duke Senior) reinforces their close bond. Celia describes the two of them with a harmonious image from the natural world: â€Å"coupled and inseparable.. like Juno’s swans†. Dramatically, Shakespeare emphasises their closeness by including their good-hearted banter, and having them adopt disguises before entering the forest. Their supportive relationship gives them strength, so that instead of feeling grief as a result of their expulsion from court, they focus on the positive. Celia’s comments help us to see court and forest as binary opposites when she declares â€Å"now go we in content to liberty and not to banishment. † Shakespeare shows us how belonging in a close relationships can bring strength, but how this exclusivity may also be seen as a threat by others. Another text which shows a surprising response to exile is Kevin Costner’s Academy award-winning film â€Å"Dances with Wolves†. In it the main character, John Dunbar voluntarily exiles himself, leaving both his own white American culture, and also the senseless Civil War that he had been fighting in, determined to see the west before it has gone. Even though he had been compelled by tradition, expectation and a sense of duty to serve loyally, he finds himself drawn to establish stronger links with the Dakota Sioux Indians, who were commonly viewed as â€Å"thieves and beggars†. Like Celia in As You Like It, he does not view his exile as banishment, but as an opportunity to escape a restrictive and corrupt society in order to gain a sense of freedom and find spiritually renewal. In addition to Dunbar’s first person narration, the film uses a number of mis-en-scene elements, such as costuming, dialogue and symbolic motifs to show the way John Dunbar is gradually accepted into the Sioux culture. Early in his exile, we see him dressed in full uniform, and hear him using military jargon as he describes burying excess ordinance and trying to mount an adequate defence. After his initial encounters with the Lakota Indians his new-found sense of belonging is evident as he begins to speak their language, and is greeted courteously. A change of identity is indicated by his altered appearance, as he becomes clean-shaven, begins wearing a red shirt and trades his army hat for a knife. The film shows a montage of incidents in which Dunbar adopts Sioux customs, such as eating raw buffalo heart. Dean Semler, the cinematograph-er, uses a red filter and passionate music to depict Dunbar’s sorrow when he is separated from his new friends. Finally, Dunbar’s assimilation into the Lakota culture is evident when he becomes able to speak fluently in Lakota, and falls in love with Stands With a Fist. Id never known who John Dunbar was. But as I heard my Sioux name (â€Å"Dances with Wolves†) called out again and again, I knew who I really was. Costner’s film shows us that humans have a need for relationships, but that we can belong within many different relationships, groups and cultures. Just as Celia and Rosalind establish new relationships in exile and are not troubled by their exclusion from court, Dunbar is restored and fulfilled by his acceptance into a more meaningful and supportive Lakota culture. In contrast to Dunbar’s experiences of belonging, the character of Jaques in â€Å"As You Like It’ shows us that belonging can be impossible for people who are very independent and highly individual. Although he goes into exile willingly he does not accept Duke Senior’s analogy that adversity, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head†. For Jaques, unlike Dunbar, living in exile does not bring rewards and happiness. He insists that he loves to be miserable and to ‘suck melancholy from a song as a weasel sucks eggs†. Shakespeare’s use of such images from nature is very effective in suggesting that, unlike most people, Jaques does not find the experience of being in exile with others either comfortable or necessary. This is evident from his use of highly emotive words to express his dislike of the world around him and his wish to â€Å"Cleanse the foul body of the infected world†. Inevitably his critical, judgmental character makes him an outcast ridiculed for his tears for a wounded stag. Jaques’ depressive nature makes it difficult for him to view life positively as he reveals in his speech on the seven Ages of Man, which finishes with the tragically negative repetition of ‘sans’ (meaning ‘without’) to emphasise the desperate plight of the elderly â€Å"Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything†. When the opportunity arises to return to court, with Duke Senior reinstated, Jaques rejects the idea as he prefers to remain in the ‘abandoned cave’ rather than returning with the others to the trivial pomp of the court. His sense of moral superiority, his inflexibility and his preference for being sombre prevent him from valuing the notion of belonging. Whereas characters like Jaques and Dunbar have the option of choosing whether to belong or not, the ‘unknown citizen’ in W. H. Auden’s satiric poem has been forced to fit in to a tightly run capitalist bureaucracy. The poem takes the form of a eulogy written on the tombstone of this ‘perfect’ member of society, who is only known by his serial number, JS/07 M 378. Auden adopts a formal, prosaic tone to praise the man’s achievements: â€Å"when there was peace, he was for peace When there was war, he went. † The tone of congratulation is clear as the monument praises JS’s life and praises him for being quite ‘normal’. In appearing to praise this ‘saint’ Auden is actually mocking the way those around him in the 1930s blindly relinquished their individuality to the ‘Greater Community’ and he condemns the consumer society which exerts so much control over its citizens. Auden’s oem is laced with irony as the monument extols the virtues of JS who â€Å"had everything necessary to the Modern Man A phonograph, a radio, a car and a Frigidaire. † In this capitalistic conservative society, people are valued for conformist behaviour. The ultimate irony is conveyed in the patronising final lines: â€Å"Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd: Had anything been wrong, we sh ould certainly have heard. † To belong in such a society, Auden suggests, requires people to abandon any search for freedom and happiness as these are, in the authorities’ view, insignificant and irrelevant. Whereas Shakespeare provides Jaques with the opportunity of maintaining his individuality by not belonging, Auden’s speculative vision of the world allows very little opportunity for those who choose not to belong. In contrast to the magical transformative qualities of the forest of Arden in which marriages and reunions abound, Auden’s sterile society depicts the negative behaviour of mindless conformity where individual names are lost, and people are only valued if they can conform to the government’s expectations. The need to belong can force us to adopt conformist behaviour, and can even force humans to live a life of deceit and pretence, as Jaques commented: ‘All the world’s a stage and we are merely players’. Belonging can, on the other hand, provide us with comfort, security, affection and self-worth. The need to belong is certainly both a gift and a curse.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Moving Average Method: Limitations and Types of

Moving Average Method: Limitations and Types of Forecasting is very essential and important part in business planning. It refers to estimation of the demand for products and services in coming future and the resource necessary to produce these outputs. Estimates of the future demand for products or services are commonly referred to as sales forecast. In other words, forecasting is the art and science of predicting future events. Is is not mere a guess or prediction about the future without any rational basis. It may involve taking historical data or intuitive prediction in the absence of historical data. Basis of Forecasting Forecasting by its nature uses data from the past period to forecast the future projection of the company. Historical data includes your organization`s financial statements and any information you believe has relative predictive value to the future success of your company. Historical data doesnt have to solely come from your company; it can also be historical macroeconomic data, such as the Consumer Confidence Index, interest rates, housing starts or any other economic variable you believe has an effect on your business based on your business experience and observations. Moving Average Method A moving average method uses a number of most recent historical actual data values to generate a forecast. The moving average for n number of periods in the moving average is calculated as : This method uses the average of a number of adjoining data points or periods. The averaging process uses overlapping observations to generate averages. The term moving refers to the way averages are calculate the forecast moves up or down the time series to pick observations to calculate an average of a fixed number of observations. In our ten periods on the question the moving averages method would use the average of the most recent ten observations of the data in the time series as the forecast for the next period. The moving average is commonly used with time series data to smooth out the short-term fluctuation and highlights long term trends or cycles. The threshold between Long-term and short-term term depends on the application and the parameter of the moving average will be set accordingly. For example it usually used in the technical analysis of financial data like stock prices and return various stock or trading volume A moving average also called rolling average, is an average price movement indicator, showing average value of the data within specific time frame. Moving average levels are interpreted as resistance in a rising market, or support in a falling market. Here a support level means a price rank where the price tends to find support as it is going down. The price is more likely to bounce off this level rather than break through it. A resistance level is the opposite of a support level and is an upper extreme where the price tends to find resistance as it is going up. Modern graphical analytic programs calculate wide range of different Moving Average types and offer assortment of their visualization styles. A time frame for calculation could be set as short, intermediate or long term. For long term trend the 200-days average is most popular; for medium term 50-days average and for short term 10 days average. Following types of rolling averages are used more often than others: a simple moving average (SMA); a weighted moving average (WMA) and an exponentially moving average (EMA). Types of moving average method Simple moving average method it is used to estimate the average of a demand time series and remove the effects of random fluctuation. It is most useful when demand has no pronounced trend or seasonal fluctuations. In this method if we use n period moving averages, the average demand for the n most recent time periods is calculated and used as forecast for the next time period. For the next period, after the demand is known, the older demand from the previous average is replaced with the most recent demand and the average is recalculated. Weighted moving average method in this method each historical demand in the moving average can have its own weight and the sum of the weight equals one. For example, in a 5 period weighted moving average model, the most recent period might be assigned a weight 0.50, the second most recent period might be assigned a weight of 0.30, 0.20, 0.10, and for third most period with a weight of 0.05. text{WMA}_{M} = { n p_{M} + (n-1) p_{M-1} + cdots + 2 p_{(M-n+2)} + p_{(M-n+1)} over n + (n-1) + cdots + 2 + 1} The advantage of weighted average method is that is allows emphasis on recent demand over earlier demand. Exponential Smoothing Method It is a sophisticated weighted moving method that is still relatively easy to understand and use. It requires only three items of data: periods forecast, the actual demand for this period and ÃŽÂ ± which is referred to as smoothing constant and having a value between 0 and 1. The formula of the ESM is as follows: Ft = Ft-1 + ÃŽÂ ± (At-1 Ft-1) Where Ft = Forecast for the period (t) Ft-1 = Forecast for the previous period (t-1) At-1 = Actual demand for the previous period (t-1) ÃŽÂ ± = Smoothing constant (value varies from 0 to 1) Selecting a smoothing constant is basically a matter of judgment or trial and error. Commonly used values of ÃŽÂ ± range from 0.05 to 0.5. Feature Moving average method:- Smoothing data Moving average help in smoothing or smooth function on the original sequence, the original sequence of fluctuation is weakened, and the average interval number N bigger, stronger on series smoothing effect. Odd and Even Moving average time interval number N is odd, only a moving average, the moving average as the middle moving average terms in a trend representative value; and when the moving average term N is even, the moving average value represents the middle position of the even level, not on a time, is in need of an adjacent two average value of the moving average, it can make the average value of a certain period of time, this is called shift is average, also become the center of moving average. Seasonal changes When the series include seasonal change, moving average interval number should be consistent with the seasonal variation of N length, in order to eliminate the seasonal variation; if the sequence contains a cycle of change, from the terms N and cycle length should be basically the same average, cycle fluctuation elimination can be better Advantages of Moving average method: Easily understandable The moving average model assumption is that the most accurate prediction of future demand is a simple (linear) combination of past demand moving average method is easy to understand than any other method. This method smooths the data and makes it easier to spot trend.. Simple and Easy Calculation Moving average is calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of a given set of values. They are easier to use than other regression models. For example, to calculate a basic 10-day moving average you would add up the closing prices from the past 10 days and then divide the result by 10. Stable Forecasts how responsive we want the forecasting model to be to changes in the actual demand data must be balanced against our desire to suppress undesirable chance variation or noise in the data. With help of moving average can achieve such objectives. Limitations of Moving Average Method Equal weighing is given to each of the values used in the moving average calculation, whereas it is reasonable most reasonable data is more important to current situations. The moving average method doesnot takes into account the data outside the average period. The use of unadjusted moving average can lead to misguiding forecast The moving average method to a large number of data records from the past; Through the introduction of new data is more and more time, continuously revised average value, as predicted value. The basic principle of moving average method is through the moving average to eliminate irregular time series of changes and other changes, thus revealing the long-term trend of time series. Solution to the Given Problem Year No. of Cars 3 Year Moving Total 3 Year Moving Average 1 1324 ____ ____ 2 1605 ____ ____ 3 1486 4415 1471.67 4 1567 4658 1552.67 5 1687 4740 1580.00 6 1021 4275 1425.00 7 1424 4132 1377.33 8 986 3431 1143.67 9 1529 3939 1313.00 10 1425 3940 1313.33

Child Case Study: Depression and Abandonment

Child Case Study: Depression and Abandonment Internship and Case Working with the public-school system makes it difficult to practice my theory practice, due to the lack of therapeutic support in the Philadelphia public schools. But I have made do; I have been working with the client that I am going to discuss since the beginning of the school year and it has been a pleasure, to not only build a trusting relationship with her, but to also provide her with the advantage that she needed/needs. My case pertains to a 14-year-old female African-American 8th grader. To ensure anonymity, I will refer to this student as Amber. Amber was born in Philadelphia and currently resides with her grandmother. Five years ago, she lost her mother at the tender age of 8. Due to infidelity, Ambers parents divorced when she was 5 years old.ÂÂ   Shortly after, her father remarried and moved to Georgia. Currently he resided with his wife and two step-children. Despite geographical barriers, Amber maintains a relationship with her through weekly phone calls. From time to time Amber is able to visit her father when she is on summer break. School records do not show mental health treatment or treatment for substance abuse issues for this student. Despite what records show, Amber has admitted to smoking marijuana when stressed. Amber presents with depression and feelings of abandonment and resentment. From my previous sessions with Amber, she disclosed that she misses her mom and is frustrated with the relationship she has with her father. Amber shared that her father is verbally abusive during their phone conversations. The inability to maintain a harmonious relationship with her father has had a negative impact on her grades.Through my interactions with Amber, I have come to the realization that she wants to mend the broken relationship with her father. During my sessions with Amber I have utilized Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Gestalt Therapy, to appropriately assistance cope with her stressors. Overview of Theories Practiced School social work has been the base of my practice. My desire to work with children in the future has allowed me to use most, if not all the theories listed above (CBT, Narrative Therapy, Emotion-Focused, Experiential/Gestalt, Ego Psychology, Self-Psychology, and Object Relations Theory). Though all of these theories have specific techniques that work well with my client population. There are two theories that have made an impact throughout my practice these past few months/years of graduate school, work, and internship:Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Gestalt Therapy. When working with my client population I have mainly used CBT and Gestalt Therapy, due to their effect on the clients awareness of self and thoughts. These two theories have a lot in common when it comes to their effectiveness and techniques used. From my experience, I have noticed that both theoriesfocus on the clients present state of mind.They both take into consideration the past of the person being served, and how it relates to their future. Together the CBT and Gestalt therapy focus on visual descriptive aspects and self-awareness; with Gestalt using the chair therapy technique and CBT using the rational emotive imagery technique. Concepts and Assumptions/Goals and Plans CBT is a is a type of psychotherapy that accentuates the critical part of reasoning by the way we feel and what we do. It is also problem-focused and helps people see the connection between beliefsand emotions. Through CBT, individuals discover that their observations directly impact their reactions to circumstances. In other words, a persons thought process illuminates his or her practices and activities. CBTis not aunique treatment technique; rather, it is a general term which alludes to a gathering of treatments that have certain similarities in therapeutic philosophy. Psychological behavioral specialists trust that by altering our thought process, we can straightforwardly impact our feelings and conduct. Aaron T. Beck, the psychiatrist broadly thought to be the father of CBT. Beck believed that a persons thinking pattern can become established in youth and that what we feel is influenced by what we think, and in order to feel better we need to avoid dysfunctional thoughts. Using this therapy, I able to properly assess my younger clients in order to provide them with the best care. CBT assessments are easily comprehended by clients while helping them to develop an understanding of the effect that their condition has on them. Gestalt therapy is an experiential and humanistic psychotherapy generally known for its strong focus on the clients immediate experience as a way to enhance an awareness of how an individual lives in the world. Gestalt specialists and their consumers utilize innovative and experiential systems to upgrade mindfulness, flexibility, and self-healing. The word gestalt originates from the German word meaning shape or frame, and it references the character or embodiment of something (Wagner-Moore, 2004).The persons actual experience is determined by the Gestalt, rather than the parts. The way in which multiple data are shaped is based on the individuals needs, appetites, and impulses(Wagner-Moore, 2004).Based on evidence that the whole individual is greater than the sum of its parts (Wagner-Moore, 2004). At the center of Gestalt therapy is the holistic perspective that individuals are unpredictably connected to and impacted by their surroundings and that all individuals endeavor toward development and adjust. Gestalt therapy is like individual focused therapyin this way, and in its prominence on the therapists utilization of sympathy, comprehension, and unqualified acknowledgment of the client to improve therapeutic results. Gestalt therapy also perceives that convincing someone to change ironically results in further misery and fracture. Or maybe, change comes about because of acknowledgment of what is. Therefore, treatment sessions concentrate on the personfiguring out how to end up distinctly more mindful and to acknowledge and confide in their emotions and encounters to ease trouble. Role My role as a school counselor intern,who uses CBT techniques involves a lot of sitting and talking to my clients. This approachhas allowed me to ensure that myself and the client are both focused on thegoals of the session, guaranteeing that the time spent in treatment is beneficial. The individual in treatment will then profit by a cooperative relationship in which he or she can uncover individual issues without judgment and is helped to comprehend the current issues without being told which decisions he or she ought to make. My use of Gestalt therapy throughout my experience at my internshipconsist of direct contact between myself and the student. Through our sessions, we focus on the on the what and how and how the client is dealing with the here and now. Together, the client and I assess what is going on now and what is required as an outcome. I usually avoid translating occasions, concentrating just on the now, including the physical reactions of the client. While helping the client to understand the inner-self, so they can eventuallygrasp theirbehaviors, actions, and reactions. Gestalt therapyaids to take steps into mindfulness with the goal that they can recognize and acknowledge these patterns. Values and Ethics One of the many ethical standard and responsibilities as Social Workers to our client is Self-Determination. The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers, states as, Social workers we are to respect and promote the right of clients to self-determination and assist clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals(DiFranks, 2008). This ethical code depicts exactly the work that is done when using CBT in therapy sessions. CBT focuses on practical problems and goals that can be achieved using your own personal story and self. This self-determinationapproach increases the effectives of therapy and endurance of the outcome. As for Gestalt therapy, the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers, states, Social workers should be aware of the impact of the political arena on practice and should advocate for changes in policy and legislation to improve social conditions in order to meet basic human needs and promote social justice (DiFranks, 2008). To me this ethical code is consistent with Gestalt therapy because through my research I have learned that,to properly perform Gestalt therapy the therapist must be able to focus on all the clients conditions to provide the proper care for the client. And by providing the proper care for our clients ourselves, we are in fact already advocating for them and promoting social justice. Good For According to Aaron Beck, CBT is known to be best working for most clients/problems/situations. My research and personal use of CBT has also backed this theory. CBT is generally used for people, with mood disordersuch as depression, anxiety disorder, and PTSD. It is additionally used to help individuals with substance use disorder, eatingdisorder, dietary issues, personality disorder, sexual issues and psychosis. It is effectively conveyed in individual, group and couples situations. Similar to CBT, Gestalt therapy can work well for most clients/problems/situations. nearly anybody can profit by this specific approach to treatment, a few people are particularly appropriate to a Gestalt approach because of their specific battles or restorative needs. For instance, people who lack self-awarenessor people who suffer from anxiety, substance use, post-traumatic stress, depression and other mental issues that can keep individuals from living to the full.In general, individuals who take part in Gestalt therapy tend to feel more self-assured, calm and content with themselves. Not So Good For When it comes to who CBT is not suitable for, research states that CBT may not be suitable for patients with significant cognitive impairments (patients with traumatic brain injury or natural cerebrum sickness, for instance) and people who are not willing to play a dynamic part in the treatment procedure are not generally great candidates for this treatment (Beck et al., 2004).Although CBT has been utilized with kids as youthful as seven to nine years of age, its best with kids more than 14. At this age, kids have developed more cognitive skills. Adolescents ad adults respond better to the strategies used in CBT. Individuals who experience feelings of unhappiness, may also have limited triumph with CBT. Gestalt therapist are very vigorous within the therapy sessions and so, notice must be taken that they have qualities that includeinventiveness, sensitivity, empathy, and respect for clients. These qualities, alongside ethical practice, are dependent on preparing, background, and judgment of the therapist. The dominance of the treatment may not be appropriate for all patients, and even problematic for a few, despite the ability of the therapist. There is also a lack of logical research evidence supporting the effectiveness of Gestalt treatment.Furthermore, some observers of Gestalt therapy have indicated that, this therapeutic technique is not appropriate for group therapy work. Considerations Based on my own personal experience and research, there has been no modifications made when working with clients of different gender, race, ethnicity, class, age, mental or physical capacity, religion, or sexual orientation. Both theories have not been limited to any specific kind of person. The conditions may very when it comes to appropriateness in using these theories, but the kind of person has no effect on the results.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Processed Food Should or Should not be Banned From School Meals? Essay

Processed food should be banned from school meals due to increasing health issues in children, increasing academic deficiency and increasing production cost to produce processed foods. There are people who would oppose to this idea due to population growth and an increasing food demand. However, this escalating demand of food is forcing the food industry and other government agencies to resolve the current hunger and lack of resources issues, by hiring processing factories and private companies to produce processed foods. The greater part of school age children consume processed foods on a daily basis. The purpose of this study is to examine what are processed foods? What are the associated problems? Also, to determine if processed foods affect students’ health and their academic performance. In addition, what is the position of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and food industry in the distribution of processed foods in schools? Also, to determine the outcome of this study, the behavior and health of students along with the governing agencies were analyzed to establish, if processed foods should be banned from schools or just monitored carefully. Discussion of key terms What are processed foods? It is food â€Å"composed of synthetic chemical additives, such as colorings, preservatives, sugar substitutes and trans-fats† (Fitzgerald, 2006, p.72). Fitzgerald reported that by the â€Å"1970s most meats and dairy products that were factory farmed were laced with growth hormones, antibiotics and a range of pesticides† (p.72). Furthermore, food that is frozen, packaged and canned is considered processed food. A brief explanation of the chemical additives in processed food. 1. Pres... Laskawy, T. (2011, December 16). A dollar badly spent. A dollar badly spent: New facts on processed food in school lunches. Retrieved April 16, 2012, from Mateljan, G. (n.d.). WHFoods: What are the problems with processed foods?. The World's Healthiest Foods. Retrieved April 16, 2012, from Nestle, M. (n.d.). Center For Ecoliteracy. School Food, Public Policy, and Strategies for Change. Retrieved April 16, 2012, from Weber, K. (2009). Food, Inc.: how industrial food is making us sicker, fatter and poorer; and what you can do about it: a participant guide. New York: Public Affairs.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Modern Day Gikuyun Farmer :: Economics Kenya Agriculture Essays

The Modern Day Gikuyun Farmer The following are excerpts from a research project undertaken by Ramya Bavikatte on her Washington Semester at American University. Ramya traveled with her class to Kenya, where she learned more about the issues of small holder agriculture and the Gikuyun farmer. The purpose of this research project is to study the economic and social implications of smallholder agriculture in Kenya. The shift of smallholders from subsistence farming to cash crop farming created significant changes in the standards of living, social security, reproduction, and the sexual division of labor. With the strong social impact of commercial farming, many Kenyans are wondering whether they are materially better or worse off than they were thirty five years ago. One of the most evident ways in which commercial agriculture affects the Kenyan people is through ecological and land degradation. Due to the ever-increasing pressures put on the land, frequent aridity has led to greater risk of a bad harvest or even famine. Food relief to Kenya has become more common, therefore elevating the dependency on donor countries. Since a well-organized system of providing social security does not exist in Kenya, the best assurance of economic security comes through the ownership of land. In addition to the land security, commercial agriculture provides an inlet for added security through market extensions. Market extensions aid farmers and their families by providing loan and investment services. Unfortunately, the population boom in Kenya, as everywhere in Africa, means less land and agricultural opportunities; consequently, the increased rural density has forced people to seek work in the cities. Although the city dwellers have more control over their work conditions, they are by no means financially stable since the work will inevitably be in the informal sector. All the needs of the city dwellers must be met by cash payments, of which they rarely have enough. Perhaps commercial agriculture is not entirely to blame for the population boom. It could be considered, however, as a catalyst for industrializatio n. Industrialization coupled with commercial agriculture will exacerbate social tensions already in existence among the Kenyan people. Any shift towards higher productivity or income growth in the population as a whole must increase the range of wealth differences. Unfortunately, the economic gap between the North and South grows as wealth continues to transfer of the North's sector. The Natural Environment of the Gikuyu Farmer Gikuyuland makes up a large portion of the great East African plateau.

Mudslides: Causes and Effects :: essays research papers

Living in Bangladesh, we have seen quite disastrous mudslides from the past few years. Mudslide is also called a landslide or a land slip. It is a downward mass movement of earth or rock on unstable slopes, including many forms resulting from differences in rock structure, coherence of material involved, degree of slope, amount of included water, extent of natural or artificial undercutting at the base of the slope, relative rate of movement, and relative quantity of material involved. There are numerous facts that can cause a mudslide and there are also numerous effects that it can cause us. Mudslides usually occur in hilly areas, for an example, when there was a mudslide in Bangladesh few months back, it occurred at Chittagong. Mudslides occur when a portion of a hill side becomes too weak to hold up its own weight. This is generally caused by an intense amount of rain fall. With all of the new water introduced into the slope the content of liquid makes it so heavy that gravity pulls it downward. Although water plays a major factor in creating the mud that flows in a mudslide the real reason that the land begins to slide is gravity. What happens is mudslides redistribute soil and sediments in a process that can be in abrupt collapses or in slow gradual slides. Some other factors in causing mudslides are earthquakes, slope failures, heavy storms. All of the natural causes of mudslides are not nearly as bad as the human made causes such as grading terrain cutting, and excessive development. Over development especially in hilly areas can cause mudslides that are dangerous. Hundreds of people die each year from the effects of mudslides. Health hazards are one of the main effects of mudslides. Rapid moving water and wreckage lead to trauma for the sufferers. Clogged drainages can also cause spread of diseases. Broken electrical, water, gas, and sewage lines can result in injury or illness. Environmental hazards arise as well from hazardous materials and waste. Hazardous materials concerns could arise from spills of gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, or solvents from containers or vehicles. Spills could contaminate soils or leach into ground or surface water. And environmental hazards could adversely affect humans, wild life, vegetation and water supply. Electrical hazards could include vegetation or equipment fires, electrical burns, or electrocutions to humans or animals. Electrical hazards could take place anywhere near energized conductors or facilities. Mudslides: Causes and Effects :: essays research papers Living in Bangladesh, we have seen quite disastrous mudslides from the past few years. Mudslide is also called a landslide or a land slip. It is a downward mass movement of earth or rock on unstable slopes, including many forms resulting from differences in rock structure, coherence of material involved, degree of slope, amount of included water, extent of natural or artificial undercutting at the base of the slope, relative rate of movement, and relative quantity of material involved. There are numerous facts that can cause a mudslide and there are also numerous effects that it can cause us. Mudslides usually occur in hilly areas, for an example, when there was a mudslide in Bangladesh few months back, it occurred at Chittagong. Mudslides occur when a portion of a hill side becomes too weak to hold up its own weight. This is generally caused by an intense amount of rain fall. With all of the new water introduced into the slope the content of liquid makes it so heavy that gravity pulls it downward. Although water plays a major factor in creating the mud that flows in a mudslide the real reason that the land begins to slide is gravity. What happens is mudslides redistribute soil and sediments in a process that can be in abrupt collapses or in slow gradual slides. Some other factors in causing mudslides are earthquakes, slope failures, heavy storms. All of the natural causes of mudslides are not nearly as bad as the human made causes such as grading terrain cutting, and excessive development. Over development especially in hilly areas can cause mudslides that are dangerous. Hundreds of people die each year from the effects of mudslides. Health hazards are one of the main effects of mudslides. Rapid moving water and wreckage lead to trauma for the sufferers. Clogged drainages can also cause spread of diseases. Broken electrical, water, gas, and sewage lines can result in injury or illness. Environmental hazards arise as well from hazardous materials and waste. Hazardous materials concerns could arise from spills of gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, or solvents from containers or vehicles. Spills could contaminate soils or leach into ground or surface water. And environmental hazards could adversely affect humans, wild life, vegetation and water supply. Electrical hazards could include vegetation or equipment fires, electrical burns, or electrocutions to humans or animals. Electrical hazards could take place anywhere near energized conductors or facilities.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Financial Management Theory and Practice Essay

A- Annual report :- it’s a statement that gives an accounting picture of a firms operation and its financial position , there is two types of information are provided in annual report First :- the verbal section witch often represents the firms operation result during the past two years or any period , and discuses new developments that will effect future operation . and explain why things turned out the way they did . Second :- the presentation for four basic financial statements ( the balance sheet , the income statement , the statement of retained earnings and the statement of cash flows). these four statements illustrate (what has actually happened to assets , earnings , and the dividends over the past few years . These information is used by investors to help form an expectation about the future earnings of the firm and dividends B- Balance sheet :- it’s a snapshot of firms financial position in the last day of given period . and a balance sheet changes daily because of :- * Inventories are bought and sold . * Fixed assets are added or retired . * A bank loan balances are increased or paid down. Its composite of a table of two sides :- The left side of a balance sheet lists assets (which are the things that company owns) in order of liquidity or the length of time , The right side lists the claims that ( supplies , banks , bondholders , stockholders ) have against company and they must be paid in order ) . C– the income statement :- reflects the financial performance over each of a given period of time ( monthly , quarterly and annually ) . witch contains net sales excluding (EBITDA) .which means earning before interest , taxes , depreciation and amortization . D- depreciation :- its a policy applies by accountants , rather than treat the entire purchase of assets in a purchase year , they treat the expenses of assets by the assets useful life , in many years after , and it calculates in tangible assets in balance sheet . E- Net worth or common equity :- it’s the asset net of liabilities and sum of common stocks and retained earnings , In case a company’s assets are sold and liabilities and preferred stocks were actually worth their book value , then the company in case of bankruptcy can sell its assets to pay liabilities and preferred stocks and remaining cash would belong to common stakeholders . F- (EBITDA) :- its earning before interest , taxes , depreciation , and amortization . G- STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW :- represents a claim against assets , instead of distributing the money as dividends , they spend it on buying new assets . H- The statement of cash flow :- it’s the amount of cash reported on its year-end balance sheet , it can be used in variety of ways , (pay dividends , increase inventories , keep it in bank , or to invest in fixed assets . (3-2) what four statements are contained in annual report ? Answer :- 1- the balance sheet , 2- the income statement , 3- the statement of retained earnings 4- the statement of cash flows These information is used by investors to help form an expectation about the future earnings of the firm and dividends . (3-3) If a â€Å"typical† firm reports $20 million of retained earnings on its balance sheet, could its directors declare a $20 million cash dividend without any qualms whatsoever? Answer :- No , because the retained earning could be used in variety of ways , like pay dividends , increase inventories , keep it in bank , or to invest in fixed assets . (3-4) Explain the following statement: â€Å"While the balance sheet can be thought of as a snapshot of the firm’s financial position at a point in time, the income statement reports on operations over a period of time.† Answer :- Because the balance sheet changes daily as inventories are bought and sold , fixed assets are added or retired , or as a bank loan balances are increased or paid down . while the income statement is the financial performance of a firm during that period , and its more precise to analyze . (3-5) What is operating capital, and why is it important?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wage Determination in Perfect and Imperfect Markets

Wage end in unblemished and defective trades Perfect competition In perfect undertaking commercializes, everyone is occupy taker some(prenominal) the employee and the employer. On the one hand, the employer and his true elicitnot subordination the market as on that point be too numerous firms and the firm is hurt taker on the product market and cranch market. On the other hand, the solveers piece of assnot control their net as they ingest no scotch power to do so or they ar of a clearly definite type.In perfect competition in that location is a free movement of toil. Everyone can enter the labor market or to switch jobs. Moreover, both diddleers and employers hasten replete selective information on the labor market state wages, necessary, productive take aim of workers etc. The most common thinking in labor markets is that all workers in the uniform position argon equally thither are two driving forces concerning the issue of hours by an individua l worker darn working, the worker sacrifices its leisure duration and the work may be unpleasant.The worker experiences bare(a) disutility of work, which tends to ontogenesis as work hours increase. To lead with the bare(a) disutility of work, a wage could be raised. This would lead to mickle go a officeing to work more hours in order to have a greater income and they are put up to sacrifice their leisure time or in other words the refilling forcefulness appears. Still, with higher(prenominal) wages people tend to work less in order to have more leisure, which is the income effect and as a result we join the backward-bending supply curve of labor.What determines wage judge in perfect competition is the numeral of qualified people, the wages and non-wage benefits in resource jobs and the non-wage benefits or prices of the jobs. The wage of a worker is measured by the fundamental interaction of demand and supply in the labor market. A very wasting diseaseful cats-pa w for calculating the wage rate is the borderline productiveness theory. As long as firms are concerned, they go forth try to maximise profit by employing workers until the marginal comprise of employing a worker is equal to the marginal revenue the workers yield earns for the firm.In other words, the wage should be equal to the marginal salute the firm has occurred by employing the last worker. According to time some variousiations force be do. In the short run expanding industries will be able to pay higher than promise industries. In the long run there are wage differentials because workers have different abilities and they are not perfectly mobile. In conclusion, the down in the mouth paid will be those whose labor is in low demand or high supply, they possess fewer skills or are unfit, work in contracting industries, do not lack to move from the area etc. passing paid are workers whose labor is in high demand or low supply, they have certain skills or talents or wor k in expanding industries. Wage determination in imperfect markets In the historical world, firms or workers, or both, usually have the power to regulate wage rate. This is the shield with monopsony this is a market with a exclusive buyer or employer. Another woof to determine prices is when the workers are part of a labor trades union, which can be a monopolist or part of an oligopoly. Monopsonist are wage setters or wage makers as they are represent all the workplaces.What is fire about monopsonist is that if a firm wants to necessitate more workers, it has to pay a higher wage rate to attract workers out-of-door from other industries. The wage it pays is the average cost to the firm of employing labor and the marginal cost of hiring one more worker will be above the wage rate. To maximize profit, a monopson equalizes marginal cost of employing labor with marginal revenue product. Union monopoly or oligopoly has market power and can influence wages. The scope of this pow er depends on the market concerned.However, the higher the wages, the less the workplaces. Moreover, unemployed strength undercut the union wage by forcing the firm to employ non-unionised labor. The only way to increase wages and not impose the level of employment is by smorgasbord magnitude the productivity of labor. Another form of imperfect labor market Is bilateral monopoly. It mean that a union monopoly faces a monopsony employer. In this case the wage rate and the level of employment depend on the carnal knowledge bargaining strengths and skills of unions and managers.As a event of fact, my facing a single healthy employer it might be easier for the union to increase wage rates. In bilateral monopoly the union can threaten the industry with strikes and then economic losses which gives unions more power. It oft happens both sides union and management, to gain from the carried negotiations. This is called bodied bargaining. In this form of agreement there are variou s threats or promises made by both sides. Examples of union threats are picketing, working to rule and such of employers can be lock-outs, plant closures etc.The regime can also influence the joint bargaining. It can try to set an example, or set up arbitration or conciliation machinery. Another possibility is to use leglislation, e. g. set a minimum wage rate or prevent disagreement. To transform the perspective, a higher wage might also be profitable for the firms. The spring behind this lies in the fact that productivity rises with wage rates. Moreover, by investing in training of the personnel, a firm will meet significant loss in the absence of the better-trained workers.High wage rates motivate workers as well. Other imperfections of labor markets can be the inadequate information workers or employers receive. In addition, wages may respond very slowly to change in demand and supply, causing disequilibrium in labor markets. The last factor in determining wages we are pr ess release to examine is discrimination. It might take many a(prenominal) forms race, sex, age, class etc. In economics, discrimination means that workers of identical ability are paid different because of the aforementioned characteristics.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019



IntroductionLeadership and management, these are two words we use on daily basis. But the questions like how do we realise good leaders, what qualities, attitude, style and behaviour do they exhibit, are frequent. The ability to lead is not connected to education, although most leaders what are intelligent people. Many qualities required for a leader are also possessed by managers.Although it is unique to everyone there are a total number of common ways.I think, by developing our leadership skills, we are assured a more rewarding and successful career. There is no doubt that, leadership potential can be developed. With commitment, effort and practice, anybody can move beyond the skills you how are born with to be an excellent leader.â€Å"The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born—that there is a genetic factor to leadership.Leadership differs to direction.

Bennis. Globalisation has resulted in diversity. To maximise contribution, each organisation and its managers are now challenged with creating inclusive cold working environment. They need to understand effective leadership style and culture to build trust and effective relationship.There are various means of considering leadership, that vary extract from focusing on the character traits of leadership that is excellent to highlighting facets of the scenario that help determine how folks lead.The strategies how that were effective yesterday are not necessarily effective in the same situation today†-QuinnLook more:  strategic management process essayIn order to face the growing competition in the market, it is very urgent for organisations to build potential leader. Developing strategic management and leadership skills should be a part of organisations’ actions.1.1 Explain the link between strategic management wired and leadership Strategic Management consists of t he analysis of any organisation, decision making and necessary actions in order to create and sustain competitive advantages.It is merely one of many other assets a thriving manager must possess.

Usually it is considered as the responsibility for the overall direction of the organization sums up what strategic management is all about. It can consider also define as the process of identifying and executing the organisation’s strategic goals (mission, vision and objectives) by matching its capabilities with the demand of its environment.Strategic senior management contains a set of managerial decisions. Leadership is the ability of a person to get other willingly to follow.Its something which is accomplished when a individual motivates individuals in a group.Equally, a good leader free will also be a manager. Majority of practical people are interested primarily in what they have to do, and not whether it should be labelled ‘leadership’ or ‘management’ or both. â€Å"It is very true that I have said that I considered Napoleon’s presence in the field equal to forty thousand other men in the balance† —Duke of Wellington. Difference between strategic management and leadershipManagement| Leadership|Intended to plan, organize, co-ordinate and evaluate| Job is to inspire and motivate| management administrate the organisation| Leaders innovate | senior Management tries to maintain the organisation| Leaders tries to develop| Focused on system and structure| Focuses on people|They focus on the present situation | They look towards future| React to problems logical and issues| Proactive to issues and problem| Prefer to control| Knows how to delegate|Minimising risk| Taking risk|  There are thousands of examples for leaders in the world.Leadership and top management arent synonymous.

2 Analysis of impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decision There are different leadership and management styles. Different various styles work well in different situations. They are based on different assumptions and theories. Strategic decisions taken by leaders depend upon their style.Leaders that are supportive understand and good sense women and men feel.2. Democratic styleThe leader involves employees in the decision making. This kind of style is usually appreciated by the employees or subordinate. how This style would bring problems in a situation where there are wide ranges of opinion and there is no well-defined way of taking the first final decision.They also need to make sure they manage change effectively.

Transactional leadershipThe assumption behind this kind of leadership is that people how are motivated by rewards and an organisation work well with a clear chain of command. This kind of leader works thorough creating all clear structures. Subordinates duty  will be well defined and also the reward they get for following the orders. Punishments are not always mentioned, but they how are also well-understood and formal systems of discipline are usually in place.Your leaders are the best factor on your companys capability.Transformational leaderThis style is based on the assumption deeds that employees will follow a leader who motivates them and a person with vision and passion can achieve anything. Transformation strong leadership start with the development of a vision, a view and path to future. That will excite and converter the employees. Transformational religious leaders are so committed always.Youre a pioneer, even in case you dont know it.

Understanding the situation 3. Applying appropriate skills and techniques.Leaders having different styles empty can have different levels of key elements. So the way and level in which they identify their personality can differ."Every leader has a certain style of political leadership thats innate.Especially when a strategic decision needs to made quickly. The impact of this style is for many people, this style feels harsh, a first great possibility of demotivation. Rest of people  assured leader can demonstrate consideration and compassion for team while using the Autocratic style, even though the team is not directly involved in the decision. There are situations in which leader wants input from employees or teams.Leaders are common now.

There is a more common thought that leaders who listen considerately to their follower’s opinion before making final decision get good result as compared to non-listeners. In the case of democratic style, the leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and allows the group to vote. Advantage of this own style is fairly fast decision, and an amount of group participation. No organisation or leader can implement a single style to deal with the multitude of decision that needs to be made during change process (Nancy, 2007).It could mean the folks who own and short run the company.Charismatic leadership style got few drawbacks. The complaint against Lord Browne was administration by media and business associates fuelled his charismatic new style and he ignored day to day core business activities.1.3 How leadership styles can be adopted to different situations? Success of an political organisation or a group dependent on the effectiveness of the leader.When employees are empowered theyre more prone to make decisions which are at the very best interest of the particular client and the organization also.

Leaders must be up to date of the situations. Leaders must be prepared to step in and show the way in all kind of situations.Different style can be adapted to different situations in relation to 1. Business- situations 2.Are such far more likely to reveal their very own loyalty the moment it matters.We know that high risk situation needs very strong and active direct involvement by the leader to keep it control. The people or team members: – In every organisation, there will have different different kind of employees or members.Differ by characters, talents, skills, attitude etc. identifying the team members is a tough task.IT leadership theory Learn the best way to be.

He made a resolution to transform GE into one of the world biggest firm. With his unique leadership style and character, Welch made history during his 2-decade journey at GE. His way of leading was based on some concepts. Lead, not manage:- according to him political leadership can be found in as long as they come up with good ideas and can energize rather than depress and control.Face reality: – good company was losing its market values and there was too much bureaucracy when Jack Welch joined the company. He realised the social realities and brought out strategies and  initiatives that made things better. Simplify the business: – his goal at GE was simplify the business. He didn’t think deeds that business had to be complicated.It can mean opportunities, good ideas, new business or new products (kevin, 2007). Lead by more energizing others, not managing by authority: – Welch called his leadership ideal ‘boundary less’, which means an open organization, free of bureaucracy logical and anything that prevents the free flow of ideas, people and decisions (kevin, 2007). His choice was inspiring others to perform well. red Lead by doing- one of the leadership style adapted by GEInformation technology is critical to the future of GE.The basic assumption behind the theory is that individual characteristics’ make how them suitable leaders only in certain situations. Each situation requires a leader to vary behaviour to fit the conditions. In other words, there is no right or wrong way in leading all the time. Fred Fiedler’s contingency theoryIn 1967, Fred Fiedler proposed his contingency theory.

According to Fielder, the direct relationship oriented style is more effective in situations which are intermediate in favourableness. When an intermediate situation is present, the leader can self help to build confidence and cohesion by focusing on the personal needs of the individuals (Henman, 2007). Hersey and Blanchard theoryIt is another situational theory. This economic theory was introduced 10 year after Fiedler’s theory.That is, followers are not mature or immature in any total or chronological sense; rather, they have varying degrees of maturity depending on knowledge of or experience with a specific goal (Henman, 2007). Leader-style theoryThis theory was introduced by Vroom and Yetton. They explain the different ways leader can make decisions and necessary following guidelines for leader in order to determine the extent to which subordinate should participated in decision making. Charismatic leadershipCharisma, as explained by Max Weber, is a certain good qual ity of individual personality, by virtue of which he or she is apart from ordinary people and treated as a personality with exceptional power or qualities.An effective leader needs to diagnose the needs and wants of followers and then react accordingly.The impact of different theories of management on organisational strategy will be different. giant IBM needs extraordinary leaders who can create high-performance work climates and foster employee engagement; people who not only succeed but enable others to as well. A disciplined process of identifying and developing high achievers and leaders has been a main stone of IBM’s strategy to regain market political leadership in the IT industry.As Fiedler explained, task oriented leaders are very effective when conditions are favourable or unfavourable. When conditions are favourable, members relations how are strong, there is a positive relation between team and leader. Hence new strategies can bring and work it out well so easily. In unfavourable certain circumstances or in stressful situations, a leader’s structure and control can remove undesirable ambiguity and the anxiety that goes with it.

2.2 Create a leadership strategy that support organisational direction Leadership strategy for General ElectricsThe General Electric Company, or GE, is an American multinational conglomerate corporation incorporated in New York. Company operates in five sectors via energy, technology infrastructure, capital finance, consumer andindustrial.It old has been almost a decade since Jack Welch retired as GE’s chairman and CEO, the brain behind the success of GE.If we consider their way in which they lead, and how their decisions, it is clear that they preferred transformational leadership style. Even though both used the same style, Jack Welch had been more opposite extreme than his successor. Leadership strategy: – choosing a best leadership style is the major step in leadership strategy. Leadership at company such like GE is very crucial.It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals and includes assessing followers’ motives, satis fying their needs, and treating them as full human beings†- (Northouse). The reason behind the selection of this leadership style is this style motivates the followers. The leader and followers are full well aligned in this system. A transformational leader can motivate the followers by setting challenging goals.We have seen the different leadership style and their impact on organisation. Even though, no particular leadership style is better always. It depends on the situations. The best style GE can use is transformational leadership because of based its unique advantages.

The leaders should have collective capabilities like providing direction, motivate the followers, engaging employees in decision making and to gain their active support in implementing planned cross-functional actions, implementing successful innovations, adapting to change, ensuring transparency just like former leaders, developing talents logical and being responsive to customers like Jeffrey Immlet. Since the corporate strategy is becoming more global, it require greater cultural sensitivity among leaders, enhanced representation of different geographies at top level, enhanced language skills to enable cross cultural relationships and greater understanding of local laws and business arrangement in strategy making.3.1 Use appropriate different methods to review current leadership requirement We know the important of leaders.These programs build perfect foundation for accelerating  learning and development in a particular domain, from commercial to operations, from human res ources to information management, from finance and communications to modern technology (GE, Leadership Programs, 2013).There are more than 300,000 employees in GE. The company operates through different sector. GE consistently ranks as the most admired and respected new company in the world.CEO of GE believes that ideal situation for a global firm was to have its factory on a barge that you could first move around the world to wherever it was the best competitive environment at the time. Their strategy is to expand business globally, instead of just looking for alliances.Fast moving anti Globalisation opens new opportunities for a global firm like GE. Hence leadership requirement at GE is tremendous.But they need leaders not only in quantity great but also in quality.3.2 Plan for the development of future situations requiring leadership Requirement of leaders in the GE increases. Leaders are logical not only required in the top level but also in the various bottom levels also.

Leadership Programs: – GE has various leadership programs. As part of their strategy to achieve commercial excellence and drive organic growth, they are developing a pipeline of strong sales logical and marketing leaders at GE through  the Commercial Leadership Program (CLP).CLP offers a curriculum that boosts the development of commercial skills and various techniques that are critical to success in all GE businesses. CLP prepares candidates for a successful career in sales or first commercial operations by providing the opportunity to learn about GE’s products, industry, and customers while making valuable contributions to the on-going success of GE.As compared to their profit growth, they need more to build leadership qualities in their employees. Human resource leadership program: – In GE’s Human Resources Leadership Program people are gaining real-world business experience, contributing to GE businesses and getting in first line for HR leaders hip roles across the company.HRLPs can build countless HR leaders within GE. Experienced commercial leadership programs: – The Experienced Commercial Leadership Program (ECLP) prepares time MBA graduates and experienced professionals for GE leadership roles in marketing and sales.But under certain specific condition, they need specific skills. The more basic skill required for leaders are explained below.Integrity: – this is the basic quality of a leader. This quality makes people trust the leader.They can speak openly logical and accurately about their limitations. Self-regulation: – People who are in control of their feelings and sudden  temptation are able to create an environment of public trust and fairness. Appropriate self-regulators are usually thoughtful and resist making impulsive decisions. These are definite qualities of a good leader.

Communication skills: – to deliver leader’s idea properly, private communication skill is very necessary. A good communicator can pay attention and listen carefully. Lead by example: – One of the best ways to red lead is by example – use where needed, lending a helping hand, and making sure that the work you do is clearly understood by apply your team. Leadership skills strataplex: –Leadership skill requirements are often described as being stratified by organizational level.They are comprised of those skills related to basic cognitive capacities, such as collecting, processing, and disseminating information and learning and are the fundamental skills required for a large portion of the activities in which political leaders are engaged (Mumford, 2007) .These skills include skills like oral communication, written communication, ability to learn and adapt etc. 2. Interpersonal SkillsThese are skill relating to interacting keyword with and influe ncing others.Strategic SkillsStrategic skill requirements are highly conceptual skills needed to take a systems perspective to understand complexity, deal with ambiguity, and to  effect political influence in the organization (Mumford, 2007). This includes skills for planning, visioning etc. â€Å"Leaders are not born, they are grown†- this is the word by the heavenly father of management, Peter Drucker. Leadership ability is not an inborn skill most times.1. Entry level program or Commercial leadership program (CLP) is an example for it. The CLP is a 12 to 24 month program that develops marketing and sales skills through a strong very core curriculum and challenging assignments. 2.

The ECLP program consists of three, eight-month rotational assignments within the marketing and sales functions of one of GE’s businesses (GE, Experienced Program, 2013).4. normal Operation management Leadership program (OMLP): OMLP accelerates development of entry-level talent and produces leaders capable of meeting the challenges facing the Operations, Supply Chain, Manufacturing logical and Quality functions at GE (GE, Entry level program, 2013).4.Commercial leadership program (CLP) provides candidates with valuable training, personal experience and exposure to a team of motivated colleagues and helpful mentors that can accelerate their careers. HRLP (Human Resource Leadership program) has created countless generations of HR leaders at GE. The program continues today and still focuses on taking talented people, providing forgive them with globally diverse challenging experiences, and developing them into world-class HR leaders. Candidates will have formal training, ro tation, seminars, business molecular simulations and community service activities.Another way of developing leadership skills is to get familiar with your followers. It will great help you in understanding their feelings and their needs, which in turn will help you in managing preventing their needs. Different plan for the development leadership skills includes conducting seminar, training programs, meetings, job rotations etc.ConclusionThis assignment is used to explain the important link between strategic management and leadership.Style should be adapted according to the business situation, team members and culture of the organisation. Different leadership theories are discussed in the assignment. Situational theories and contingency theories have been applied. The situations in which different theories can be applied are explained.

In this competitive world, organisation best can only sustain if and only if they can bring strong leaders.There are different ways of enhancing the leadership skills for future requirements. And there should be a plan of developing these skills. The new plan should cover all the current and  future needs for leadership and is helpful in the overall progress of the organization.Leadership style : A powerful model. TJ. Derue, S. (2011).Entry level program. Retrieved 2013, from http://www.Retrieved may 5, 2013, from GE. (2013) GE. (2013, January 1). Leadership Goleman, D. (2004). Leadership That Gets Result.